Sunday, October 9, 2016

Wall paper/ great for crafting

I have these awesome set of legs, lol no they are not my actual legs. They are the wicked witch of the west legs, that I got to use for Halloween. I just needed a house to be able to fall on the witch so all you could see is her legs. I live in a brick home with a cement porch, so there is no way to tuck the legs up under my real house, so I need to make one. I have chosen to use pallets to make the wall of my house. The pallets look nothing like a house, so This wall paper will help me transform my pallets into a house.
I remember the story of the 3 little pigs so I wanted to build my house out of bricks, just incase a big bad wolf comes along. I am so impressed with this wall paper. I do not have much experience with wall paper, just really cheap kind that I have used for crafts in the past. This is unlike any I have seen or used before. It is textured. It really doesn't even feel like paper!! It also looks like real brick my Iphone photo just does not do this justice at all !!! 

It is super thick as you can tell from this photo.  This would actually make an awesome accent wall on your living room or bedroom. 

There is quit a lot on this roll, more than I will need for my project so I will be able to tuck it away to use again.  I was worried about how well this would hold up to the weather (I am putting it outside) and it is just wallpaper after all. This is such a heavy duty wall paper I have no fear of weather effecting it! That means it should be no problem to clean once it is hanging up in your house. I am in love with how nice this really is !!!    I received this product at a discount in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.  They also have different patterns if the brick look is not something you are into and you can check them out HERE

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